Vertex Launches All in for CF

2,000 dedicated Vertex employees released an open letter to the CF community annoucning a brand new initiative. It reads as follows: 


Each May, the cystic fibrosis (CF) community recognizes CF Awareness Month to raise awareness of the disease and to underscore that, despite progress made in recent years, there is still more important work to be done. Together with the CF community – people living with CF, their families and loved ones, healthcare providers and advocates – we have made tremendous progress. Today, approximately one-third of people living with CF are eligible for treatment to address the underlying cause of the disease, but as you know… that is not enough. And that is why we all continue to work tirelessly toward the goal of one day developing medicines for all people living with CF.

If the CF community had a window into our labs and offices, they would see that at the heart of Vertex, it is the community that motivates us each and every day. You all motivate us to dig deeper, to do more, to explore the “what if,” and to push the boundaries of what we know.

Today, we launched the Vertex All in for CF initiative to provide that window for the CF community. To give everyone an inside look at our people and the approacheswe’re taking to pursue our goal of developing medicines for all people with CF. The site also shines a spotlight on members of the CF community and highlights the amazing work they are doing. This month we have highlighted Emily Schaller of the Rock CF Foundation and Lauren & Lee Bombardier. We will update the spotlight section each month and feature new stories from the CF Community. You inspire us all, and the work we do!

You can visit the All in for CF site by clicking here or by going to Please share this initiative with others in the community and  use the hash tag #AllInForCF when you do! Members of the CF community can share their own stories on the website by visiting the “Voices of CF” section of the site. As always, we welcome any feedback you may have.

We have come a long way, but have more work to do. We know you’re All in for CF. At Vertex, we are, too.