CFChef Announces New Recipe Contests for 2012

CFChef, an online nutrition destination developed to help meet the unique nutritional needs of people living with cystic fibrosis, has announced four themed recipe contests for 2012. CFChef also is asking the community to participate in a survey designed to generate ideas for new program content.

Many people living with CF are unable to properly digest food due to lack of digestive pancreatic enzymes, which may result in malnutrition. To get enough calories to promote normal weight gain and growth, individuals with CF may need to consume up to two times as many calories as a person without the disease.

In addition to serving as an educational resource, CFChef aims to raise awareness of the importance of good nutritional habits and provide a place where families, friends and caregivers of people with CF can share recipes and get updated nutrition tips and guidance.

The 2012 CFChef Challenge recipe contest includes four categories, each with their own deadline:

  • Cookout: Entry deadline June 21, 2012
  • Back-to-School: Entry deadline June 21, 2012
  • Winter Holiday: Entry deadline September 14, 2012
  • Spring Holiday: Entry deadline December 17, 2012

Individuals living with cystic fibrosis, their families, friends, caregivers and others are invited to submit original recipes for a CF diet, or traditional recipes adapted to a CF diet, online at

Recipes will be judged by a nutritionist and winners will be selected based on nutritional value, ease of preparation and the story behind the recipe. Three winners for each category will receive a digital scale for measuring the nutritional content of food – a great tool for any CF kitchen! Additionally, each winning recipe will be published in the CFChef Online Cookbook.

Those touched by CF are also encouraged to complete an online survey designed to generate ideas for new program content directly from the CF community! The survey must be completed by July 20, 2012, at

CFChef is sponsored by Abbott, which continues its 25-year commitment by providing resources and support to patients and families touched by CF.