Cystic Fibrosis Podcast 12: Winning Championship Races on her Track Team in Allen, Nebraska and Winning the Battle with CF through Exercise

Jerry Cahill Interviews Erin Keitges
  • Erin was diagnosed with CF at 3 months due to “failure to thrive”
  • Erin’s mom, dad, older brother and sister are very supportive
  • Growing up Erin’s mom states: “Erin was treated like everyone else in the family” and not put in a glass jar”
  • Academically Erin is ranked #1 in her class
  • Erin is involved in high school varsity basketball, volleyball, band, choir, and has mastered Track & Field in both the 3200meters and 1600meters where she won and set school records in May 2005
  • “Multi-tasking!” that is the key to Erin’s success and fitting a lot of living into a single day
  • Living with CF? Erin states: “some days are harder than others but I live my life and go on…”