New Podcast: Bobby Bebber on Overcoming All Obstacles with CF

The Boomer Esiason Foundation has posted Cystic Fibrosis Podcast 112: Overcoming ALL Obstacles with CF. The audio podcast features an interview with Bobby Bebber, a 28-year-old who has undergone three liver transplants and a kidney transplant but continues to be living, breathing and succeeding with CF.

  • Bobby grew up pretty fast. He was in the hospital a lot during his childhood, including for three liver transplants (October 1987, November1987 and May 2001).  Bobby’s mom donated a kidney to him.
  • “My CF has mainly been digestive issues, but now the respiratory component has kicked in, and I am now listed for a double-lung transplant at Duke Medical Center,” Bobby says.
  • Bobby loves sports and played soccer and intramural basketball in high school. He also is passionate about horse racing.  “My uncle owns a few race horses,” he says.
  • “The hardest part about living with CF is not having the lung capacity to do what I like … Being on oxygen limits you,” Bobby says.
  • Bobby’s biggest accomplishment was graduating college, because “I never thought I would do it,” he says.
  • “My goal is to visit all 50 states and live to be 50 years old,” Bobby says.
  • Bobby’s recommendation to others with CF: “Never give up. No matter what people tell you, be a fighter!”

This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.

Click here for more audio and video CF podcasts from the Boomer Esiason Foundation.