New Study Examines Impact of MRSA on CF

A study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association examines the effect that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has on people with cystic fibrosis. It found that chronic infection with MRSA in people with CF was associated with worse survival than those who don’t have the bacteria.

MRSA can cause infections that are resistant to some common antibiotics. More than 20 percent of people with CF have MRSA in their respiratory tract.

Of the various bacteria that cause lung infections in CF, Burkholderia cepacia complex has been most commonly associated with shortened life span. This study is the first to find a possible link between MRSA and survival rates.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is currently funding a study to find the most effective way to treat MRSA infections in CF patients. This will lead to clinical trials to test treatments in CF patients with chronic MRSA infection and those with newly acquired MRSA.

The CF Foundation has stringent infection control standards, which were developed in partnership with CF physicians and infection control experts.

The best protection against getting MRSA and other germs is to:

  • Clean your hands often, use soap and water or alcohol-based hand gel;
  • Cough into a tissue, throw it away and then clean your hands;
  • Clean and disinfect nebulizers regularly;
  • Avoid people who are sick; and
  • Do not share utensils or cups.

The CF Foundation encourages people with CF to work closely with a cystic fibrosis physician at an accredited CF Foundation care center to address infection and treatment-related issues.

Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation