New Infection Prevention and Control Policy from the CF Foundation

Because cystic fibrosis puts the airways at risk for lung infection, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has an Infection Prevention and Control Policy in place to protect the health of people with CF at all Foundation events, meetings, and any other gathering places.

Proven ways to prevent or lessen risk for infection between people without CF and people with CF are:
1. Limiting or completely avoiding contact with germ sources
2. Keeping your hands clean – either with alcohol-based hand gel or with soap and water
3. Anyone with a cold or illnesses that spread germs should avoid contact with people with CF until they are completely healthy.

According to medical evidence, people with CF could have germs in their lungs and sinuses that spread to others with the disease. The following safety practices – recently updated – are in place to promote safety and reduce cross-contamination risk among people with CF.
1. Keep your hands clean at all times.
2. Cover your cough.
3. Only one person with CF may be present at indoor events, meetings, or gatherings.
4. People with CF must maintain a 6 feet distance from each other while at outdoor gatherings.
5. If a CF patient has a confirmed positive sputum culture for Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia) complex, he or she should not attend any events, meetings, or gathering where another person with CF could be present.
*The CF Foundation’s policy reflects the advice of leading CF medical experts and medical research.

CFF Prevention and Control Policy Update

Official Prevention and Control Policy 

Prevention and Control FAQs


Source: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation