Cystic Fibrosis Podcast 102: Living Life to the Fullest as an Adult with CF

In this video podcast, Kay W., 49 years old with cystic fibrosis, discusses “living life to the fullest as an adult with CF.”

Kay has been married for 22 years and is the proud mom of a 19-year-old daughter, Ashley.  After a successful career in the advertising industry, Kay now does freelance creative direction and graphic design work. She also enjoys jogging and weightlifting to keep her lungs clear.

Kay is living, breathing and succeeding in Illinois with her beautiful family.

  • Kay was diagnosed with CF at age 21, after she attended Purdue University.
  • “I am very happy that I was diagnosed later on in life and that CF was not a major factor in my life as a child – I just led a normal life,” Kay says.
  • Kay considers herself a bit of a “health nut” and is very involved in nutrition, exercise, the “joy factor” (being happy), and being compliant to her medication routine.
  • “I believe in the ‘three eights’ … eight hours of sleep every night, eight hours of exercise every week, and eight hours of the joy factor (fun) every week,” Kay says.
  • “My daughter inspires me to push on in life despite having CF,” she notes.
  • Kay believes in a good quality of life that includes a combination of physical exercise, a positive attitude, and getting out and socializing.

This “LIVING. BREATHING. SUCCEEDING.” Podcast/Vodcast is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech to the Boomer Esiason Foundation.

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